days of aerotow organised by the Blenheim Model Aero club were a complete
success. Held over two days 24 and 25 Jan with subline fine weather
, Sunday being better than the Saturday when everyone thought Saturday was
hard to beat.
Tow aircraft ranged from small foam electric from the Nelson club through
to two 33% Pawnees from Christchurch. Carl also assisted with his
big stick from the MAMS club. Five tow aircraft all up I think.
This cannot be accomplished without organisers !! Peter Deacon started but
had to trip back to the UK for a visit, Allan Knox took up the
reigns and saw it through to its successful conclusion, thanks Allan.
BUT the best assistance we had were the local land owners who own the top
dressing strip. Considering the weather and the extreme dry
conditions I think it was a brave call to allow us the use of their farm
(taking into account the hot engines, fuel, electrics, not a bad tinder
box for a bad day). They had arranged for the top dressing of their
farm to be delayed a couple of days so we had the use of their strip, they
also moved stock when asked and then left the gates open for us so we were
uninhibited with access. Impressive. They’ve allowed
us the use of the farm twice a year and I’m pleased that the BMAC have
the sole rights to use it so it is looked after and not overused and taken
advantage off.
We did have an onsite fire truck, it may have looked like a Landcruiser
towing a trailer with 20 water jerry cans on board but it was still a
“fire truck”. Not used Phew !!
As for the gliders, well what a turn out. Here’s a list of most
attendees and their aircraft
Griffin ASH31 (7m)
Harvey ASK 21 (4m)
Chisholm Ventus (4.5m), small Ka6 and ASW 27 and the Ag
Wagon tug.
Palmers The big 33% Pawnee and Ka-7
(about 4 m).
Knox SHK (5m),
Alchemist (3.7m) and little T31 plus electrics and Alchemi for slope
Deacon 50cc tug
McMillan Big Sting and Superior Electric (3.2
meter wing spans and lost in amongst the big boys, mine looked like paper
Graham Jouster and Radian.
McMillan 50cc Big Stick tug.
Blackie ASW 29 (5m)
Hewson Big 33% Pawnee . Ventus at about 4.5m.
deRenzy 1/2 scale Ka6!
Phipps T31 (4m) just completed.
Ashwell Prima.
France Big Electric and slope models
ASW 27 (4m) just completed
something else to see the gliders soaring so far away then when the pilot
gets confident the fly byes are even better. Overall a fantastic
weekend. Another happening in Jul 15.