Feature Model Of The Month
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Phil Aubry's Air
Tractor AT 502
Words and Photos By Phil
After some searching around for a colour scheme to use, I settled on one from a Canadian company called Conair who use this type of aircraft for water bombing of fires. I elected to cover it with
Monokote and the canopy and engine cowling were painted.
Standard servos were used throughout with dual receiver batteries and switches.
Specs – Wingspan 100”
Engine OS BGX 35cc glow with custom made muffler
Weight 18lbs 12oz
All Futaba radio gear.
A note from the webmaster
Those that have had an up close and personal with Phil's
Air Tractor will know that his craftsmanship and attention to
detail is second to none. Just how anyone can lay down a covering
of Monokote as perfectly a Phil can has amazed people for years
and it doesn't take long to become the topic of
conversation whenever Phil arrives at the field with any of his
Congratulations Phil on producing such a fine model